Kruispost is a medical practice in the heart of Amsterdam. We are here to serve people who live in Amsterdam and do not have a residence permit or are uninsured and therefore have no access to regular medical or psychosocial care. Also, even if you have no money, you are welcome to visit us.
Everyone has a right to healthcare and our doctors can do a lot for you. If necessary, you can be referred to one of our specialists or to a hospital. Kruispost operates a walk-in system: first come, first served! It is not a problem if you do not speak Dutch. We ask for a voluntary contribution of €5. The consultations are confidential: our doctors have a professional obligation of confidentiality and are not allowed to report you to the IND or the police.
We offer a safe place where access to basic medical care is available, as well as second level care, like dental treatment, eye care, physiotherapy, psychosocial therapy, trauma therapy and guidance in the case of chronic illness.
We are a medical practice and make basic medical care accessible for uninsured and uninsurable people in Amsterdam. We do this with our committed team of general practitioners, dentists, receptionists, specialists and othe carers.
We provide a complete and professional service. Our doctors have broad competence and experience of the typically complex and multidimensional problems of uninsured people. We have 40 years’ experience as a medical practice for uninsured people in the city.
Stichting Kruispost
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 129 A
1012 EP Amsterdam
Bij levensbedreigende situatis: bel 112! Dringend medische zorg nodig, bel dan Huisartsenpost Amsterdam op
+31 (0)88-0030600 of ga naar de spoedeisende hulp van een ziekenhuis.
Voor andere medische vragen buiten het spreekuur van Kruispost is de Whatsapp-lijn +31(0)6 14 45 87 81. Ook in het weekend.
In a life-threatening situation: call 112! If you need urgent medical care, call Huisartsenpost Amsterdam
+31 (0)88-0030600 or go to the emergency department of a hospital.
For other medical questions outside Kruispost consultation hours, the WhatsApp line is available +31(0)6 14 45 87 81. Also on weekends.