Monday till Friday: 10:00-12:00 uur – 19:00-21:00 uur

We are closed today


Forty years ago Kruispost opened its doors in the heart of Amsterdam. Since then it has been possible to offer basic medical care to undocumented and other uninsured people, who would not otherwise receive this care or dare to seek it elsewhere. A large group of family doctors, dentists, practice nurses, receptionists and other employees volunteer to help these people. We provide primary care and, to a limited extent, second-line care. In the context of a multidisciplinary, holistic human vision and integrated care provision, this medical care can be supplemented with POH-GGZ and trauma therapy. 

Kruispost is well known to authorities such as the municipality of Amsterdam, the GGD, Amsterdam Huisartsenalliantie, Doctors of the World and other institutions specializing in social care. We are recognized as a necessary complementary addition to regular care.

Because of her great commitment to the target group Stichting Kruispost is able to contribute constructively to the Sustainable Development Goal3 (SDG 3), drawn up by the United Nations.

A healthy future for everyone. A healthy life is “essential for sustainable development,” according to the United Nations.

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The Kruispost pillars


We are a medical post and make basic care for the uninsured in Amsterdam accessible. We do this by offering general practitioner care, by providing healthcare providers with information and contacts, and by helping patients overcome barriers in their contact with other healthcare providers.


We are a committed team of doctors, receptionists and healthcare providers. On a voluntary basis we care for a large group of people in Amsterdam who fall between the cracks and have difficulty keeping up with the speed of today's society.


Our doctors and healthcare providers give professional and adequate care. Our doctors have substantive care expertise and experience with the often complex and multidimensional problems of the uninsured. We have 40 years of experience as a medical post in the city.